Our first day on the job site. The small community where the home is located is about 45 minutes from the city with half of the way only gravel and dirt trails. It is located at about 8000’ elevation. Habitat has helped 74 families in this community since 2004. It is making such a huge impact.
The homeowner is Veronica and is second from right in the photo. She is dressed in the typical dress of this community along with her daughters. Her husband and son are in the US working to earn money for purchasing the home. The rest of the folks in the photo include her grandchildren and members of the local team.
Participation in the build involves many people from the community, although this week a number of them are preparing for visits on Day of the Dead taking place next week.
Our team’s primary jobs today were hauling 30 lbs blocks, filling masonry joints, and moving the large piles of wet dirt from the workspace to fill the foundation in the rear rooms. We worked hard between rains. Veronica and her daughters and granddaughters. Prepared a delicious lunch of homemade chicken soup, tortillas, quesadillas, pineapple drink, and spicy tasty salsa.
The last photo shows our progress, which was curtailed due to a couple of heavy rains. We were tired and a bit sore but satisfied on the ride home. The homeowner and local team were very thankful for us and it was such an honor to help. We are looking forward to tomorrow.