Another 45 minutes to the job site with some pretty cool views on the trip. The job site was sort of dry when we arrived and we got right to work hauling blocks, moving dirt piles, mortaring joints, and today breaking up the old floors It stayed dry most of the morning but the heavy rain began again at about 12:45 and forced us to stop as the masonry had to be protected and the mud was impossible to move.
We spent some time visiting a couple of completed homes in the neighborhood. The families are so very proud of their new homes and insisted we must tour each of them. One of them also showed us their separate kitchen with a more healthy and efficient stove. They are drying the beef, since they have no means of refrigeration. Once we returned, we enjoyed a wonderful meal that our family had prepared of pasta and beans along with a cinnamon rice beverage.
Following a late lunch and since the rain continued to come, we had the house blessing. Veronica, the homeowner set up an altar in her son’s home and she offered incense and prayers for us and our friendship. She prayed for safe travels and blessings on each of us. We, in turn, prayed for her new home and family. It was such an inspiring blessing.
We were saddened to have to leave after only two days, but a big part of this trip was to help us all better understand what HoH has accomplished in Chiapas, but also to show us the need that remains and the powerful work that Habitat Mexico is doing with so many dedicated people. It is truly God’s work and Christ’s command to love our neighbors.
Tomorrow we will be going to the municipality of Chamula to get an even deeper understanding of what is being done and what needs to be done. It is amazing to me what has been accomplished in 30 years of HoH work here in Mexico.